September 20, 2011

a place for everyone

One of my goals in our home is not only to have a place for everything but also a place for everyone.  We bought our daybed so we'd have a place for overnight guests; we have one more leaf to create extra places around the table; and now we have a safe corner set up for kiddos.
The only things here even remotely worth worrying about are the pottery dish holding picture books and the glass fronts to two framed photos.  I may remove the photos from this space, actually; I haven't quite decided.  (Moms, weigh in!)

Here's a closer view of the toys within easy reach:
There's a little wooden pirate that dances if you push on his platform from beneath--a real hit even with kids too small to manage it with their own fingers.  The shape-matching game is from my own childhood, as is the multicolored set of measuring spoons sticking out of the cup in the middle of the tray.  (The "cup" is the top to a laundry soap bottle.)  There are some links, a rattle, a wooden rolling pin and spoon, and a few stuffed things--animals and a ball.  Is it just me or does the lamb look angry?  From eye level he looks adorable; I promise.

The bigger toys are still in the hope chest that serves as a side table next to the couch.  I figured if I put out a few all-ages things we wouldn't have to move the lamp and everything to get the hope chest/toy box open.  Of course some of our younger company knows what's in there, so we may get questioned regarding the whereabouts of the doctor's kit or play house.  It's not that I don't want kids playing with the bigger toys, just that I haven't found a means of easy access to them.  Eventually I'd love to have all the toys out in the open and use the chest to store extra bedding--it's cedar, so blankets kept in there would smell so lovely!  But with floor space at a premium, right now it makes the most sense to use the chest as both toy storage and side table.  Here you can see the proximity of the kiddo corner to the chest:
Oh, and in case you were curious about the other crayon art, which I didn't finish until just the other day, here's a closer look at that:
The colors on this one splashed more than on the other one.  I'm not sure if my technique was a bit different or what, but I think you can tell they were completed at different times.  Even so, they still look like they belong together, and I think if there's any corner of the apartment where they ought to be at home, it's this one.

1 comment:

Sunshine Blossoms said...

What a fun idea to have a kids corner! That crayon art is perfect for it. As for the picture frames, unless the little ones who visit you are very young (like crawlers or new walkers), I wouldn't worry about the frames. Or unless they are wanting to touch the frames and mess with them. When you have your own child, it's easier not to have things like that on their level because you have to constantly make sure they don't bother it, but with occasional visitors it may not be as much of a problem. Just my thoughts. :)